Trainees’ Perception on Computer Training in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis


  • Subrata Banik Department of Management, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail-1902, Bangladesh Author



Trainees’ Perception, Computer Training, Affecting Variables, Tangail, Bangladesh


Computer literacy is mandatory for developing Bangladesh into a resourceful and modern economy through the efficient use of information and communication technology. The aim of the study is to investigate the variables that impact trainees’ perception of computer training in Bangladesh. With the recent steps taken by the Government in ICT education, Bangladesh has the potential to reduce the unemployment rate as well as to earn more foreign currency by exporting skilled manpower to the international market. The influential variables that significantly affect trainees’ perceptions were identified by applying a questionnaire survey design. Respondents from different computer training institutions situated in Tangail District of Bangladesh participated in the survey. The results indicate that the identified variables affect trainees’ perceptions. It is observed that, among the variables, ‘training fees’ are not consistent. The study suggests emphasizing informative materials, time adequacy, room facilities, and consistent fees in order to boost the level of trainees’ perception. The study provides more detailed information for computer training centers and authorities about the trainees’ perception of computer training in Bangladesh. By understanding how and what kind of different services and benefits are to be provided, they can take action to enhance trainees’ satisfaction. It also expands the literature on the relevant field. A small sample is used, in the study, therefore, care is required when generalizing the results.


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How to Cite

Banik, S. (2023). Trainees’ Perception on Computer Training in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis. MBSTU Journal of Science and Technology, 9(1 and 2), 34-41.